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Enneagram Workshop 10/05

Identity + Wholeness + Wisdom with Min Wang

44 Canadian dollars
Welmä Studio

Service Description

Let's have FUN with Enneagram together! This Enneagram workshop is designed to help you gain self-awareness, and learn about your core desires and core fears, so you wake up to who you really are and be more successful in creating the changes you want.... in a FUN way! ( (Can you tell I'm a 7 the enthusiasts? :p) Together we dive into Identity, Wholeness + The Wisdom of the Enneagram, waking up to this is like waking up to your superpowers! We will play games together to help everyone to understand your type and the others better. Understanding different types allows you to take things less personally, and create space to see others' qualities, then we can focus on how to collaborate instead of focusing on the differences. The Enneagram tells you who you are NOT. It tells you about your PERSONALITY, not who you really are. When we upgrade our identity + personality, it can change someone's life! You can also discover who you need to become to step into and create your vision + goal. We recommend that you take the Enneagram test before joining the workshop. ✨ Free version: ✨ Paid version ($20): It’s best to take the test as if you were answering before you did personal development work, so think high school. It‘s normal for your results to tie in between 2-3 Enneagram types. You’re the only one who can type your personality, and the workshop will help you to narrow it down, identify the motives for why you do what you do. About Min: "I am a certified Mastery Method Coach, retired from a career in Ad tech after a decade. I firmly believe it's never too late to start living in your dream life, with any external goals. It is about doing the inner work, overcoming our own limiting beliefs. I help ambitious humans clear their unconscious identity blocks, realign life purpose, and create 10X success in business and life with aligned+strategic actions" Date: October 5th Time: 1-2:30pm

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule a class please contact at least 24hrs in advance otherwise your payment or class pass will be charged in full. Should your cancellation be due to Covid or other medical situation a doctors note or positive test is required to transfer the payment to a future class otherwise the class or event will be charged in full. All Packages and memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. If you are unsure about your ability to commit to a package there is the option to book individual classes. Packages must be redeemed solely by the individual whose name is attached to the package. By Booking you agree to our Studio Policy and Terms and Conditions Waiver available for review on our website. Minimum age 15years There is a buzzer to the left of the front door for entry. After 6pm weekdays and on Sundays parking is free on Sherbrooke St. There is also 2 hour free parking on the East side of Prince Albert, pls check sign for exceptions. Feel free to bring an Eye Mask for classes such as Yin Yoga, meditation, Relaxation or Kundalini Codes Activation. The Studio has 12 mats for your use but it you prefer you can bring your own.

Contact Details

  • 4891 Sherbrooke Street West, Westmount, QC, Canada

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